Chitnavis Trust


Manjiri : – To empower women and to help them participate in the growth and development of India, Manjiri Trust was started by Ms. Sheila Ghatate, Former Chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women along with some others. The first President of Manjiri was Mr. Bipin Patel, grandson of the Late Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. These projects were taken over by Sir Gangadharao Chitnavis Trust in April 2009 and we have continued to run these projects, garnering a more and more enthusiastic response each passing year.

Apart from simply developing their skills, this program aims to make these marginalized women financially independent, which can only be possible through financial literacy. We also work to connect women in need with possible job opportunities through advertisements in newspapers for part-time or full-time positions as domestic helps, hospice nurse, attendants, or for any official or clerical positions. All of this is done completely free of cost.

Sewing Class :-  This project aims to give skills in tailoring, bag making, and fashion design for women so they can self-sustain. Embroidery sessions are also taken from time to time for them. We started sewing classes in 2019 so that women can live with dignity and earn money themselves. During this training, women learn and develop skills in tailoring  to work independently or with

boutiques. It provides an excellent opportunity for those looking to further their skills and even make a livelihood out of it. It is part of our mission to encourage entrepreneurship by upskilling people and helping them realize their dreams.

BEAUTY PARLOUR :- Chitnavis trust continually endeavors for holistic development of underprivileged & marginalized women. To achieve women empowerment, it is important to focus on economic independence, literacy and self-confidence. Thus, we started the Beauty Parlor classes in 2021 to equip women with any skill they may to start offering their own parlor services or work at a salon. We also teach students how to apply mehendi as a part of our parlor course.

Regular health awareness talks for these ladies, on subjects like oral care, eye care, women’s health issues, etc. are organized by the Trust. We also engage regular sessions to improve their confidence, knowledge, soft skills and life skills.