Chitnavis Trust

Affiliated Trust

Smt. Dadimay Memorial Medical Research Trust

The Trust was established by Shri Madhavrao Gangadharao Chitnavis in the memory of his grandmother Smt. Dadimay Chitnavis. The objective of the Trust was to carry out research in the medical field and to support Sir Gangadharrao Chitnavis Trust in its activities

Some of the past projects of the Trust include Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda clinics at Chitnavis Wada and sponsored travel scholarships and research fellowships in medicine. Presently the Trust is assisting Sir Gangadharrao Chitnavis Trust with its projects.

Balkrishna Deosthan Human Welfare Trust

The Trust was established with the aim to serve the human cause in all walks of life and to secure development of human personality, in physical, mental, as well as cultural aspects.

Shri Gopalkrishna Deosthan Public Trust

Shri Gopalkrishna Deosthan Public Trust was established to perpetuate the worship of the family deity Shri Gopalkrishna and continue all the traditional pujas and festivals in the premises of the Chitnavis Wada. The Trust looks after the maintenance of the Chitnavis Wada which is a listed heritage building. Various charitable activities are carried out within the premises of the Wada.

Sant Sonaji Bowa Maharaj Paduka and Math Trust

This Trust was established to perpetuate the memory of Shri Sant Sonaji Bowa Maharaj. The objectives of the Trust include educational, medical relief and social welfare. The Trust looks after the Sant Sonaji Math and the daily puja. During Navratra, the Devi Mandir on the premises which is revered by many receives many devotees.

Various activities such as sports training for children and yoga classes have been conducted on the premises.